• Sustainable products have an overall 17% market share and a 32% share of growth. • Products marketed as sustainable grew 2.7x faster than those that were not. • 78% of consumers feel that sustainability is important. • 62% of people say they “always or often” seek products to purchase because they are sustainable. • 84% of customers say that poor environmental practices will alienate them from a brand or company. Source: TheRoundup.org 2 3 Table of Contents Sustainability Organizations & Certifications Recycled Content Eco-Friendlier Manufacturing Recyclable & Degradable Materials Reusable Items 6 8 12 10 A Commitment to Sustainable Sourcing 4 Today, sustainability is central to various aspects of business, from enhancing brand reputation and driving innovation to influencing consumer behavior and boosting revenues. It has become the new standard, reshaping the economic landscape. In a recent study by global management consultancy Bain & Company, it was revealed that consumers globally are willing to pay as much as 12% more for products with a lower environmental impact, as they express increasing concern over climate change and environmental sustainability. (source: esgtoday) Printed products like marketing materials, signage and packaging are a natural place to look for eco-friendlier options. But what makes one printed product "greener" than another? Using recycled paper typically comes to mind first; however, there are several other factors to consider when trying to reduce environmental impact. In this booklet, we share five sometimes surprising ways to help achieve your sustainability goals. We also provide product recommendations in each of the categories. Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC ®) certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. FSC® C018308 The Sustainable Forestry Initiative ® (SFI ®) is a North American organization that aims to promote sustainable forest management in North America and responsible procurement of forest products around the world.