Rx Pads Guide By State

Health and Safety Code 11162.1 https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/securityprinters/hsc11162-1.pdf? Guidelines for Security Printer Policies and Procedures https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/securityprinters/Guidelines_for_Security_Printer_20120214.pdf? ITEM #’S: PRES-CA1BL (1 part blue horizontal single prescription allowed on script) PRES-CA1BLI (1 part blue horizontal single prescription allowed on script, institutional style) PRES-CA1BLM (1 part blue horizontal multiple prescriptions allowed on script) up to 3 PRES-CA1BLMI (1 part blue horizontal multiple prescriptions allowed on script, Institutional style) up to 3 PRES-CA1BLANK (1 part blue horizontal, blank background to match other vendors design) PRES-CA2BL (2 part blue horizontal single prescription allowed on script) PRES-CA2BLI (2 part blue horizontal single prescription allowed on script, institutional style) PRES-CA2BLM (2 part blue horizontal multiple prescriptions allowed on script) up to 3 PRES-CA2BLMI (2 part blue horizontal multiple prescriptions allowed on script, institutional style) up to 3 PRES-CA2BLANK (2 part blue horizontal, blank background to match other vendors design) CALIFORNIA RX PADS (cont.)