A Marketing Field Guide to Travel & Leisure

Travelers are prioritizing several key factors when it comes to making transportation decisions, balancing cost, convenience, safety, and environmental impact. For many, the decision often depends on a combination of these priorities, the specifics of their trip—such as distance, destination, and duration—and their own personal preferences and brand loyalties. To leverage current trends, it’s vital to understand the modern traveler's psyche, and craft marketing strategies that resonate with the quest for personalized and enriching travel experiences. Whether targeting the adventurous solo traveler, the culture-hungry family, or the business executive seeking an extended stay, we’ve compiled marketing ideas to help public transport, vehicle rental, and ride sharing brands take the lead in this fastpaced industry. Today is an exciting time for travel and trends research. Why? Every generation is traveling! Gen Z is on the move. So are Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers. (Hilton) A survey of 27,000 travelers in 33 countries found that 52% are keen to book a surprise trip where everything down to the destination is unknown until arrival. (Booking.com) Travelers are reinventing themselves in 2024. For their adventures, 42% would even consider renting a fancier car than what they drive at home. (Booking.com) Transportation at a glance